How to insert captcha to blogger or wordpress or any website using Google Apps Script sounds different. I came across an article Can I have captcha in google apps script? which inspired me to integrate blogger contact form with captcha using apps script implementation.
CAPTCHA inputs are perhaps the frustrating experiences on the web. Painful for most of users, let alone the visually impaired or anyone who relies on assistive technologies such as screen-readers to access the web. However, sadly, CAPTCHAs are absolutely vital in the fight against spam. The NoCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA of google is most simple to solve. Now let us discuss about its implementation.
You can see the live working implementation in my own blog About Me
App script do not allow g-recaptcha-response value to be fetched from the form which was submitted through POST, Hence, I used a trick to send value of g-recaptcha-response after the user solves from the client side by coping it to hidden field named gc
Here, is a client side implementation of reCaptcha
Here, is a Server side implementation using Google Apps Script
CAPTCHA inputs are perhaps the frustrating experiences on the web. Painful for most of users, let alone the visually impaired or anyone who relies on assistive technologies such as screen-readers to access the web. However, sadly, CAPTCHAs are absolutely vital in the fight against spam. The NoCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA of google is most simple to solve. Now let us discuss about its implementation.
You can see the live working implementation in my own blog About Me
Here, is a client side implementation of reCaptcha
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Here, is a Server side implementation using Google Apps Script
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | function doPost(request) { var some=request.parameters.gc.toString(); var body="<b>" +" says...</b><br/>"+request.parameters.mail + "<br/>Subject: " + request.parameters.subject + "<br/>Description: " + request.parameters.desc ; var payload = { "response" : some, "secret" : "6LeIJBsTAAAAADxhHSa5dDlVcpgC2loKA82m7kS4" }; var options = { "method" : "post", "payload" : payload }; var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", options); var result=JSON.parse(response); if(result.success) { GmailApp.sendEmail("YOUR-EMAIL", "Cybernol-" + request.parameters.subject,body,{htmlBody:body,replyTo:request.parameters.mail}); } return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(result)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON); } |
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